Rockstar Games

Bully: Anniversary Edition review
Bully: Anniversary Edition
At this point in time, Rockstars Christmas releases for the App Store and GooGlePlay are already a tradition. This year, Rockstar's mobile catalog adds Bully: Anniversary Edition, an app that's celebrating its 10th anniversary since its launch in 2006. Many people suspect that the next game will be Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. As for Bully, this game seems to have been forgotten at times by Rockstar himself. It came out right between Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City Stories. Nobody was interested in Bully at the time. Most people have played GTA or World of Warcraft. Anyway, that was until the release of the Scholarship Edition, which was born a few years later, and only then did the game get a chance.
After that, many didn't understand why they didn't start playing face-off when it first came out. The mobile edition is essentially the second remastering of the game as Bully: Anniversary Edition includes all of the features of the Scholarship Edition. The game also offers additional graphic effects, textures with higher resolution, improved lighting and a new multiplayer mode. In fact, the mobile version is more interesting than the original, although this is already another remaster.
As soon as the game was released, it got an incredible 87 on Metacritic. And every year it gets better and better thanks to various visual improvements and small game additions. If you missed Bully when it was still released on Sony PlayStation 2 and then again didn't pay attention to it being released on other platforms, don't miss the chance now. It doesn't really hurt to have the entire catalog of iOS games from Rockstar, and even more so, Bully: Anniversary Edition.

Bully: Anniversary Edition

To download the app, you will get links to the Official Website and/or official digital markets.